Stiegl-Kreativ Bio Hausbier Almrausch

The aroma of the Alps

The aroma of the Alps. Brewed with a tincture of organic Swiss pine cones, this Zwickl promises a taste of home. The finest caramel malts lend the beer its reddish hue which is even more reminiscent of the Swiss pine, the Queen of the Alps. Whether it’s a snowy winter or a summer on the Alpine pasture, the bottom-fermented beer speciality evokes a walk in our mountain forests and imparts a feeling of wellbeing.

Available: all year


Alcohol content5,2% vol

Original gravity12,4°

IngredientsWasser, Bio-Gerstenmalz, Bio-Weizenmalz, Bio-Zirbenzapfenauszug, Bio-Hopfen, Hefe

Beer typeCraft Beer, Red Swiss pine Zwickl

FermentationBottom fermented



0,25 L

Nutrients per 100 ml

Energy44 kcal / 184 kJ

Fitting glass

Allergen information
Alle angeführten Biere und Braulimonaden enthalten glutenhaltige Getreide und glutenhaltige Getreideerzeugnisse.


Our food recommendations
Gegrilltes, Szegediner Gulasch, Paprikahuhn, Schafs- oder Ziegenkäse

Our home

Kendlerstraße 1
5017 Salzburg

+43 50 1492-0

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